immersive experiences
Immersion in a building or landscape, guided by the hand
- “The Round” created by Martial Chazallon and Martin Chaput, cie Projet in situ
- In silence and guided by a dancer’s hand, the audience member explores a place from top to bottom through situations that allow them to interact sensitively with the environment: lying down, touching, listening, pausing… taking time to feel and be transformed by the space, inhabiting a place.
- The performance has taken place in museums, parks, and theaters across France, Italy, and Poland.
- Video
Immersion in a neighborhood or location, guided by an audio guide
- “Mobile Promenade” created by Martial Chazallon and Martin Chaput, cie Projet in situ
- Guided by a smartphone app, the audience discovers a neighborhood by following audio guides’ voices. Alone, they wander through various locations, tracing the steps and sensory experiences of previous individuals. The voices of a child, an adult, and an artist create a playful and creative relationship with the environment.
- The performance took place in hotels, museums, abandoned sites, parks, offices, bars, train stations, theaters… across France and the United States.
- Video
Immersion in the city, blindfolded and guided by strangers
- “Do You See What I Mean?” created by Martial Chazallon and Martin Chaput, cie Projet in situ
- Guided by a local resident, a blind person, and a dancer, the audience member walks for 2.5 hours through the city, crossing all its spaces: homes, shops, public places, parks, bars, churches… Deprived of sight, their imagination runs wild, transforming their relationship with others and their surroundings.
- Presented in Marseille, Lyon, Montreal, Vancouver, Geneva, Paris, Terni…
- Video / Press Review
Installation in public space
- “Impressions from Do You See What I Mean?” created by Martial Chazallon and Martin Chaput, cie Projet in situ
- The guides from the performance *“Do You See What I Mean?”* install the sensitive reflections of the participants they have guided in public spaces. The installation deepens the sensory experience by creating new interaction opportunities with passersby, forming a poetic space.
- Presented in Lyon.
training programs
For the general public
- Workshops: “The Experience of the Body” – 5 training modules.
- Numerous workshops as part of the cultural mediation of my choreographic creations in France and abroad.
- Various partners: festivals, theaters, museums, cities, schools, middle schools, high schools, universities, assisted work centers, living spaces for people with disabilities, hospitals, French cultural centers abroad…
For students
- Audiences: students in contemporary dance, theater, fine arts, and engineering schools.
- Partners: Central Royal School of Speech and Drama, Les Subsistances, École Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, INSA, Marlboro College, Vermont Performance Lab…
For artists
- Numerous masterclasses and workshops, either short-term or lasting several days, covering various themes: in situ interventions, creating immersive environments, the relationship with the audience in a participatory approach…
- Partners: Central Royal School of Speech and Drama, Les Subsistances, the Centre National de la Danse, World Cultures Seoul, Guangdong Summer Dance Camp, San Lui Potosi Dance Festival…
For educators
- Training on dance and the inclusion of people with disabilities.
- Partners: Rectorates, Teacher Training Colleges.

Université de Grenoble : Arts in the Alps
- In collaboration with Anne Dalmasso, Geographer
- Theme: “Gestures of Here and There: The Sensitive Fabric of Places”*
- Objective: To guide participants in experimenting with new in situ research practices, with starting points, tools, and processes focused on the importance of the sensitive experience in defining and addressing a research subject.
- Video

Research-Creation: Artistic Creation and Research in Anthropology
- In collaboration with Tracy Skinner, Francina Ndimande, and the Projet in situ Company team
- Theme: Exploring the intersections between in situ creation processes by artists from the performing arts, visual arts, and a traditional practice of mural painting.
- Objective: To explore meeting spaces between distinct worlds and the potential reactivation of the identity dimension of Ndebele mural painting by creating a sight specific performance in a village.
Case Studies: Naturopathy Practice and Contributions of Social Sciences
- In collaboration with my consultants
- Theme: The role of self-knowledge through the exploration of the body’s languages in the healing process, examining the body’s experience from the perspective of holistic medicine and social sciences.
- Objective: Through a case study, explore what the specificity of a therapeutic approach based on the body’s experience in all its dimensions would be.
- Thesis Writing and Creation of a Training Program.
- Read the Thesis (in French)